Home prices

The cost of the median home in Crowley Lake is $584,600. In comparison to nearby areas it is roughly $259,060 (79%) higher.It is approximately $367,100 (168%) higher in comparison to the United States as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Fresno is about $342,600 (141%) higher.

Crowley Lake
West Bishop
Round Valley
Mammoth Lakes
United States
Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek
Comparison of median Crowley Lake home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Crowley Lake and nearby areas


The median rent in Crowley Lake is $898 per month. In comparison to nearby areas this is approximately $324 (26%) lower.Compared to the nation as a whole it is about $164 (15%) lower, and it is about $107 (10%) lower in comparison to the city of Fresno.

West Bishop
Mammoth Lakes
Round Valley
United States
Crowley Lake
Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek
Comparison of median Crowley Lake rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Crowley Lake and nearby areas