Home prices

The median home in South Dos Palos is valued at $177,000. In comparison to other places in this area this is about $42,320 (19%) lower.It is approximately $40,500 (18%) lower compared to the entire nation, and compared to the city of San Jose it is approximately $687,600 (79%) lower.

San Jose
Los Banos
Santa Nella
United States
Dos Palos
South Dos Palos
Dos Palos Y
Comparison of median South Dos Palos home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for South Dos Palos and nearby areas


The median rent in South Dos Palos is $710 per month. This is about $181 (20%) lower compared to the surrounding areas.It is approximately $352 (33%) lower compared to the rest of the country, and compared to the city of San Jose it is approximately $1,397 (66%) lower.

San Jose
Los Banos
United States
Dos Palos
Santa Nella
South Dos Palos
Dos Palos Y
Comparison of median South Dos Palos rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for South Dos Palos and nearby areas