Home prices

The median home in Green Harbor-Cedar Crest is valued at $443,600. This is about $187,380 (29%) lower in comparison to the surrounding areas.Compared to the rest of the nation it is approximately $226,100 (103%) higher, and compared to the city of Boston is approximately $89,100 (16%) lower.

South Duxbury
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest
North Pembroke
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock
United States
Comparison of median Green Harbor-Cedar Crest home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Green Harbor-Cedar Crest and nearby areas


The median rent in Green Harbor-Cedar Crest is $1,750 a month. This is approximately $56 (3%) higher in comparison to its nearby areas.In comparison to the rest of the country it is roughly $688 (64%) higher, and compared to the city of Boston is approximately $130 (8%) higher.

North Pembroke
Green Harbor-Cedar Crest
South Duxbury
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock
United States
Comparison of median Green Harbor-Cedar Crest rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Green Harbor-Cedar Crest and nearby areas