Home prices

The median home in Lake Lafayette costs $54,500. It is approximately $73,040 (57%) lower in comparison to its surrounding areas.Compared to the US as a whole it is roughly $163,000 (74%) lower, and it is roughly $100,100 (64%) lower in comparison to the city of Kansas City.

United States
Lone Jack
Kansas City
Oak Grove
Bates City
Lake Lafayette
Comparison of median Lake Lafayette home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Lake Lafayette and nearby areas


The median rent in Lake Lafayette is $1,031 a month. It is about $155 (17%) higher in comparison to its surrounding areas.Compared to the entire country it is approximately $31 (2%) lower, and in comparison to the city of Kansas City is roughly $90 (9%) higher.

United States
Lake Lafayette
Lone Jack
Bates City
Kansas City
Oak Grove
Comparison of median Lake Lafayette rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Lake Lafayette and nearby areas