Home prices

The median home value in Cal-Nev-Ari is $72,300. Compared to the surrounding areas this is roughly $70,280 (49%) lower.In comparison to the entire country it is about $145,200 (66%) lower, and is about $186,300 (72%) lower compared to the city of Las Vegas.

Las Vegas
United States
Fort Mohave
Bullhead City
Willow Valley
Mesquite Creek
Comparison of median Cal-Nev-Ari home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Cal-Nev-Ari and nearby areas


In Cal-Nev-Ari the median monthly rent is $681. In comparison to nearby areas this is approximately $118 (14%) lower.It is roughly $381 (35%) lower in comparison to the country as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Las Vegas is about $421 (38%) lower.

Las Vegas
United States
Mesquite Creek
Fort Mohave
Bullhead City
Willow Valley
Comparison of median Cal-Nev-Ari rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Cal-Nev-Ari and nearby areas