Home prices

The median home price in Agua Dulce is $80,700. Compared to its nearby areas this is about $10,320 (14%) higher.Compared to the entire country it is approximately $136,800 (62%) lower, and in comparison to the city of Corpus Christi it is approximately $60,400 (42%) lower.

United States
Corpus Christi
Orange Grove
Agua Dulce
La Paloma-Lost Creek
Comparison of median Agua Dulce home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Agua Dulce and nearby areas


The median monthly rent in Agua Dulce is $1,078. It is about $330 (44%) higher compared to its surrounding areas.It is about $16 (1%) higher in comparison to the entire country, and compared to the city of Corpus Christi it is approximately $50 (4%) higher.

Agua Dulce
United States
Corpus Christi
Orange Grove
La Paloma-Lost Creek
Comparison of median Agua Dulce rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Agua Dulce and nearby areas