Home prices

The cost of the median home in Burke is $541,900. It is approximately $18,080 (3%) lower compared to its surrounding areas.Compared to the rest of the country it is roughly $324,400 (149%) higher, and it is roughly $59,600 (9%) lower compared to the city of Washington.

South Run
Kings Park West
Kings Park
West Springfield
Burke Centre
United States
Comparison of median Burke home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Burke and nearby areas


In Burke the median monthly rent is $2,424. In comparison to the surrounding areas this is roughly $104 (4%) lower.In comparison to the United States as a whole it is about $1,362 (128%) higher, and is about $883 (57%) higher in comparison to the city of Washington.

South Run
Kings Park
Kings Park West
West Springfield
Burke Centre
United States
Comparison of median Burke rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Burke and nearby areas